Climate Change Solutions: The Imperative Call to Action
Dr. Beverly Wright, founding executive director of the Deep South Center for Environmental Justice (DSCEJ) and Dr. Robert D. Bullard, distinguished professor, Texas Southern University co-convened the 7th Annual HBCU Climate Change Conference in New Orleans, November 13-16, 2019. This year’s conference theme, “Climate Change Solutions: The Imperative to Action,” was especially relevant given the severity of environmental and climate challenges facing the people and places in the vulnerable U.S. Gulf Coast and Southeast region where the vast majority of HBCUs are located.
Over three hundred youth, students, faculty, staff, faith, environmental and climate justice leaders from twenty-five Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), twenty-three predominately white institutions (PWIs), and a representatives from five HBCU Gulf Coast Partner Communities (New Orleans, LA, Houston, TX, Gulfport, MS, Mobile, AL, and Pensacola, FL) gathered in New Orleans to participate in discussions about building just, fair and equitable climate solutions to the crisis facing frontline communities. Each year student attendees have an opportunity to present their research as well as interact with community members experiencing environmental exposure and negative impacts of climate change.
Student Power Point Presentations