June 11, 2024 – Today, researchers at John Hopkins University issued a report of their air monitoring in Louisiana, which detected ethylene oxide (EtO) concentrations nine times higher than pollution modeling by EPA and LDEQ. This means communities are being exposed to significantly greater amounts of EtO than assumed in regulations and permitting decisions.

The air monitoring research is funded by the Beyond Petrochemicals Campaign, which is sharing the following info.

Read the Environmental Science & Technology peer-reviewed study.
View the press release

Media Contact:
Matt Smelser


About Beyond Petrochemicals:

Launched by Bloomberg Philanthropies in September 2022, Beyond Petrochemicals: People Over Pollution aims to halt the rapid expansion of petrochemical and plastic pollution in the United States. The campaign draws on the success of the Beyond Coal campaign, supported by Bloomberg Philanthropies, and Bloomberg’s Beyond Carbon campaign, to turbocharge existing efforts led by frontline communities to block the rapid expansion of 120+ petrochemical projects concentrated in three target geographies – Louisiana, Texas, and the Ohio River Valley. The campaign also works to establish stricter rules for existing petrochemical plants to safeguard the health of American communities. To date, Beyond Petrochemicals has helped raise awareness and lead timely collaboration efforts using its four pillars of community leadership, data and research, legislation and litigation, and stakeholder engagement to accelerate its goals. For more information, please visit us at beyondpetrochemicals.org and follow us on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and X.

The Deep South Center for Environmental Justice is a partner organization with Beyond Petrochemicals.