Webinar: The False Promise of Carbon Capture in Louisiana

Webinar: The False Promise of Carbon Capture in Louisiana


Check out the recording and presentations.

Oil and gas companies are targeting Louisiana for the underground disposal of millions of tons of industrial carbon waste.

In this webinar, legal experts pull back the cover of so-called “carbon capture and storage” to present the wide range of safety, health and environmental risks for Louisiana communities. They share their insights on relevant laws and policies, and discuss the actions people can take.

presenters harden


Environmental Career Worker Spring Graduation

Environmental Career Worker Spring Graduation

May 7, 2018- The Deep South Center for Environmental Justice (DSCEJ) Spring 2018 Environmental Career Worker Training Program (ECWTP) was held at 9801 Lake Forest Blvd in New Orleans East, February 15 – April 28, 2018. The twelve-week training consisted of a six-week basic skills training that utilizes a work-based learning curriculum and six weeks of technical skills training.

On May 7, 2018, sixteen aspiring young men completed the training receiving certificates in forty (40) hours as the hazardous waste operator, thirty-two (32) hours as Asbestos Abatement Workers, sixteen (16) hours of Mold Remediation, sixteen (16) hours of Lead Abatement Worker, ten (10) hours OSHA General Industry, forty (40) hours Construction, and forty (40) hours Weatherization Installer.

The graduation ceremony was held at City Park, Park View Terrace. The ceremony featured trophies and gifts for graduates who were recognized for significant achievements by their instructors, counselors, and program staff. Harrel Evans was named “Best All Around Student” for his excellent performance in all aspects of the training. The guest speaker was Dr. Dana Andrus, a Motivational Speaker, and Life Coach.
Job placement efforts are underway to place graduates into viable and sustainable employment. The DSCEJ has trained young men and women in environmental health and safety for over twenty-three years.

The next ECWTP training will be held in the Spring of 2019. The Environmental Career Worker Training Program is funded by the National Institutes for Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS).


What’s Council-Member elect Cyndi Nguyen’s position on Entergy Plant?

What’s Council-Member elect Cyndi Nguyen’s position on Entergy Plant?

While the vote is out of Nguyen’s hands, she says it’s not too late to take concerns to the president of Entergy in New Orleans.

Allowing Entergy to rebuild a plant in a place without doing health disparity studies or anything, just because it was there before makes absolutely no sense,” Beverly Wright said.

The debate over allowing Entergy to build a new gas fire power plant in New Orleans East is not over for some like Wright. As a resident in the East and director of the Deep South Center for Environmental Justice, she questions why the vote for a new plant was not delayed until new incoming City Council members were sworn in.

Click here for more information.

What’s Council-Member elect Cyndi Nguyen’s position on Entergy Plant?

What Entergy Wants Versus What New Orleans Needs

The City Council has the responsibility to decide whether Entergy’s application for a gas plant in New Orleans East is in the public interest. What Entergy wants may not be in the public interest, but what New Orleans needs defines the public interest.

There is no independent utility authority declaring that a new gas plant is needed in New Orleans. Entergy simply wants one. It is clear that Entergy wants a gas plant that would cost at least $210 million to construct. Entergy also wants the City Council to shift all the financial risks to residents and businesses in New Orleans. If approved, Entergy would receive an 11 percent profit on the construction cost — called a “return on equity” — of at least $23 million.

Click here for more information.

Entergy Gas Plant Bad Deal for New Orleans

Entergy Gas Plant Bad Deal for New Orleans

Record of Evidence on Entergy Gas Plant Confirms It Would Be a Bad Deal for New Orleans – City Council Decision on This Record Expected Soon

NEW ORLEANS, LA – As the City Council draws near to making a decision on whether Entergy’s application to build a new gas plant would be in the public interest, the evidentiary record confirms major problems with Entergy’s proposal. Entergy makes public claims promoting the gas plant that do not match the admissions of Entergy CEO Charles Rice and others under oath during the recent evidentiary hearing on the gas plant. The transcript of this evidentiary hearing can be viewed on the Energy Future New Orleans Coalition’s website at: https://www.nogasplant.com/news.

“We have said all along that Entergy’s gas plant would be a bad deal for New Orleans and now we have the record to prove it,” said Dawn Hebert, a resident of New Orleans East who attended the evidentiary hearing. “I hope City Councilmembers read the transcript of the evidentiary hearing before they vote,” she said.

The City Council Utility Committee will meet on Wednesday, February 21, 2018 at 10:00 am to consider a resolution and order on the Entergy gas plant application. At this meeting, the Council will hear closing arguments from the parties and intervenors in the docket proceeding and comments from the public. This meeting will take place in the Pan American Building at 601 Poydras Street in the 11th floor auditorium.

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