May 7, 2018- The Deep South Center for Environmental Justice (DSCEJ) Spring 2018 Environmental Career Worker Training Program (ECWTP) was held at 9801 Lake Forest Blvd in New Orleans East, February 15 – April 28, 2018. The twelve-week training consisted of a six-week basic skills training that utilizes a work-based learning curriculum and six weeks of technical skills training.

On May 7, 2018, sixteen aspiring young men completed the training receiving certificates in forty (40) hours as the hazardous waste operator, thirty-two (32) hours as Asbestos Abatement Workers, sixteen (16) hours of Mold Remediation, sixteen (16) hours of Lead Abatement Worker, ten (10) hours OSHA General Industry, forty (40) hours Construction, and forty (40) hours Weatherization Installer.

The graduation ceremony was held at City Park, Park View Terrace. The ceremony featured trophies and gifts for graduates who were recognized for significant achievements by their instructors, counselors, and program staff. Harrel Evans was named “Best All Around Student” for his excellent performance in all aspects of the training. The guest speaker was Dr. Dana Andrus, a Motivational Speaker, and Life Coach.
Job placement efforts are underway to place graduates into viable and sustainable employment. The DSCEJ has trained young men and women in environmental health and safety for over twenty-three years.

The next ECWTP training will be held in the Spring of 2019. The Environmental Career Worker Training Program is funded by the National Institutes for Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS).
