8th Annual HBCU Climate Change Conference Program

8th Annual HBCU Climate Change Conference Program

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  • Beverly Wright Publication

8th Annual HBCU Climate Change Conference Program

50 Years is Enough!

This year’s conference theme was, “Fifty Years Is Enough.” When we look back 50 years to the enactment of the Clean Air Act and the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency in 1970, as well as the enactment of the Clean Water Act in 1972, we see the failure of a regulatory system whose legacy is one of sickness and death resulting from chemical exposure within a landscape filled with majority people of color communities disproportionately exposed to environmental pollution across the country.

Climate Action Equity Report

Climate Action Equity Report

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  • Beverly Wright Publication

Climate Action Equity Report

This report is about how we live in New Orleans and the steps we can take to achieve equity through citywide action on climate change. In our city, African Americans, other people of color, low income families and individuals, the elderly and youth face various forms of inequity and are also vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

Surviving Cancer Alley

Surviving Cancer Alley

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  • Beverly Wright Publication

Surviving Cancer Alley

The Mississippi River Chemical Corridor produces one-fifth of the United States’ petrochemicals and transformed one of the poorest, slowest-growing sections of Louisiana into working class communities. Yet this growth has not come without a cost: the narrow corridor absorb more toxic substances annually than do most entire states.