EJ Voice – Spring 2024

EJ Voice – Spring 2024

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  • Beverly Wright Publication

Environmental Justice Voice Newsletter

Spring 2024 Edition

In this issue:


  • Worker Training Program Graduation
  • Justice40 – Celebrating our Success
  • Community Investment Recovery Center (CIRC)
  • Earth Day 2024
  • Carbon Dioxide Waste Injection – Louisiana Deserves Better!
  • Travelogue: Dr. Wright

EJ Voice – Year-End 2023

EJ Voice – Year-End 2023

  • $
  • Beverly Wright Publication

Environmental Justice Voice Newsletter

Year-End Edition

In this issue:

  • ICYMI: 9th Annual HBCU Climate Change Conference Recap
  • Justice40 Update
  • Worker Training Program Updates
  • Grant & Funding News
  • Community Engagement & Advocacy News
  • Community Based Organization (CBO) News
  • Team DSCEJ Highlights
  • Travelogue: Dr. Wright

COP28 Newsletter

COP28 Newsletter

  • $
  • Beverly Wright Publication

COP28 Newsletter

Dr. Beverly Wright, Founder and Executive Director of the Deep South Center for Environmental Justice, traveled to Dubai to participate in the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28). Dr. Wright joined leaders from across the world to amplify voices of color and Indigenous peoples and call for world leaders to center their climate action plans and goals around communities disproportionately impacted by the climate crisis and environmental racism.

The More Things Change the More They Stay the Same

The More Things Change the More They Stay the Same

  • $
  • Beverly Wright Publication

The More Things Change, The More They Remain the Same: Living and Dying in Cancer Alley

​​​​​​​The Mississippi River Chemical Corridor, or Cancer Alley, produces one-fifth of the United States’ petrochemicals. In the early 1990s, Louisiana transformed this corridor, one of the poorest, slowest-growing sections of the state, into working-class communities. Once called a “massive human experiment,” the air, soil, and water in the Corridor absorb more toxic substances annually than do most entire states. To this day, Louisiana is consistently ranked among the states with the highest rates of cancer as a cause of death, with heart attack as the only one above it in 2019 and 2020, according to the Centers for Disease Control. 

COP27 Report

COP27 Report

  • $
  • Beverly Wright Publication

COP27 Report

Amplifying our Climate Justice Stories on a World Stage

The Deep South Center for Environmental Justice, WE ACT for Environmental Justice and the Bullard Center for Environmental & Climate Justice, along with an international team of collaborators, hosted the first-ever Climate Justice Pavilion ​​inside the Blue Zone at COP27, the United Nations Climate Change Conference, in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, November 6-18, 2022.