NEW DATE! TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 2022 at 11AM!

On Tuesday, March 29, 2022 at 11:00 am, the Utility Committee of the City Council plans to hold a public meeting to hear comments and vote on a proposed ethics law that bans campaign contributions. A vote in favor by the Committee moves the proposed ethics law to the full City Council for a vote.  Make your voice heard. Attend the meeting. Call, email or tweet your Councilmembers.  Ask everyone you know in New Orleans to do the same.


  •  “No Councilmember or candidate seeking the office of Councilmember shall accept or otherwise receive a campaign contribution or any other financial benefit of any value from:
  • Any entity that provides an electric or gas utility, cable, telecommunications or technology service regulated by the City Council;
  • Any political action committee, director or executive staff person of a corporation or entity regulated by the City Council;
  • Any person, firm or entity with a professional service contract awarded by the City Council; or
  • Any person, firm or entity with a professional service contract awarded by the New Orleans Sewerage and Water Board.”

Click HERE to view the full text.


Attend the Utility Committee meeting and make a comment in support of the proposed ethics law.  The meeting starts at 11:00 am on Tuesday, March 29, 2022 in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 1300 Perdido Street.

he public comment form will open on Monday, March 28.  Be sure to send your comment no later than 8:00AM, Tuesday, March, 29 so that it can be read at the meeting. Select agenda item “Ordinance Cal. No. 33,367 – Prohibited Campaign Contributions.” To submit your comment to the Council Utility Committee, click here. 

Email your Councilmembers and tell them to vote “yes” on the proposed ethics ordinance. Please note that Councilmember Helena Moreno (At-Large) is sponsoring the proposed ethics law. Councilmembers on the Utility Committee are in bold and have an asterisk next to their names.

Helena Moreno (At-Large) –*

J.P. Morrell (At-Large) –*

Joe Giarrusso (District A) –*

Lesli Harris (District B) – 

Freddie King (District C) –* 

Eugene Green (District D) – 

Oliver Thomas (District E) –*  

The Greater New Orleans Interfaith Climate Coalition and its partner organizations proposed an ordinance, a local law, to strengthen the City of New Orleans Code of Ethics to prohibit a campaign contribution or other financial benefit from a utility provider or other entity that is regulated or contracted by the New Orleans City Council.

The passage of this ordinance is a necessary safeguard against the potential for undue influence on energy costs, climate policies, and other important issues handled by the Council that impact the daily lives of all New Orleanians.

The Ethics Review Board unanimously voted in favor of this proposed ethics law. Councilmember Helena Moreno is sponsoring it.

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