Five years after the Rolling Hills Construction and Demolition Facility had its permit revoked by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the pit is still, at best, a headache for its neighbors.
At worst, it’s an ongoing health hazard.
The pit is polluting nearby ground and surface water and emitting “objectionable odors,” according to the DEP. Additionally, residents of the surrounding Wedgewood, Olive Heights and Rolling Hills neighborhoods assert toxins from the pit are causing them respiratory disease, cancer and early deaths.
To help give residents the most up-to-date information on the pit’s status, the DEP will host an informational open house 5-7 p.m. Thursday at the Marie K. Young-Wedgewood Community Center, 6405 Wagner Road.
There will be no formal presentation at the two-hour open house. Instead, DEP subject matter experts will be on hand to share information on the status of the pit’s closure, the next steps in the process, the state’s ongoing enforcement actions and the groundwater and surface water impacts from the facility. Representatives from Escambia County and Department of Health will also be available to speak to residents.