Yesterday President Biden announced members of a new White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council to support his whole-of-government approach to addressing the climate crisis. The WHEJAC was established by President Biden’s Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad to fulfill his and Vice President Harris’s commitment to confronting long-standing environmental injustices and to ensuring that historically marginalized and overburdened communities have greater input on federal policies and decisions.

Dr. Beverly Wright, founder and executive director of the Deep South Center for Environmental Justice, is one of several renowned environmental justice leaders appointed to the WHEJAC. Below is her statement of response:

“I am deeply honored to have been selected as a member of the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council. The elevation of this body to the Office of the President demonstrates the importance of environmental justice to this Administration. I pledge to do all that is within my power to raise issues of concern to New Orleans and the Gulf Coast Region and to work tirelessly through WHEJAC to improve the health and wellness, including economic conditions, in communities disproportionately exposed to toxic pollution and climate-induced disasters.”

Today WHEJAC will host a public meeting at 2:00 pm Eastern that you’re invited to attend, along with Dr. Wright, and to provide a comment. To RSVP, click here:  WHEJAC Virtual Public Meeting.